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Tiffani 쌤 IELTS speaking 도서의 example 우선 외워 보고자 함

"기억의 궁전" 방법 참고했고, 이미지화는 쉽게 이모티콘으로 골랐음 (아래 링크)

내 장소기억방법은 (1) 대문, (2) 정원, (3) 현관, (4) 거실, (5) 책장, (6)작은방 1, (7) 큰방, (8) 부엌, (9) 화장실, (10) 작은방 2

4-5문장에서 10문장까지 늘려가며 연습하려고 함

What's your favorite sport?

  1. There are many types of sports all over the world.
    /스포츠 종류 많음, 올림픽/
  2. However, my favorite sport is basketball.
  3. The top three reasons why basketball is my favorite sport are because my dad taught me how to play,
    /아빠가 가르쳐주심/
  4. it is a team sport,
    /팀 운동/
  5. and it requires good hand-eye coordination.
    /손과 눈의 협응/

(1) 대문 - 올림픽 개최 신문

(2) 정원 - 농구공으로 드리블 연습하는 나

(3) 현관 - 농구하러 가자고 하는 아빠

(4) 거실 - 팀으로 나누어 게임하는 가족들

(5) 책장 - 눈으로 색깔별 책을 골라 손으로 정리하는 모습


위 방법으로 외우고 다음과 같이 인출하기 반복


There are many types of sport all over the world.

However, my favorite sport is basket ball.

The top three reasons why basketball is my fovorite sport are because my dad taught me how to play,

It is a team sport,

and it requires good hand-eye coordination.


Where do most young people like to go out in your country?

  1. Usually Korean young people enjoy hanging out together at the mall. 
    /젊은이들은 몰에서 놈/
  2. This has been a popular activity for most people over the last 20 years, but it especially popular with young people. 
    /20년 넘은 활동/ 
  3. The three reasons why Korean young people enjoy going to the mall are it is a large space to spend time together, 
    /넓은 공간에서 시간 보내기/
  4. they can go shopping for the latest fashions, 
    /최신 패션/ 
  5. and it is totally free to enter. 
    /입장 무료/ 

(1) 대문 - 집 앞으로 어린 친구들이 쇼핑몰에 가는 모습

(2) 정원 - 정원에서 20년도 넘은 삐삐가 나옴

(3) 현관 - 좁은 현관에선 시간을 보낼 수 없어

(4) 거실 - 새로 산 옷을 입고 자랑

(5) 책장 - 공짜로 받은 책을 꽂음


Usually Korean young people enjoy hanging out together at the mall. 

This has been a popular activity for most people over the last 20 years, but it is especially popular with young people.

The three reasons why Korean young people enjoy going to the mall are it is a large space to spend time together,

they can go shopping the latest fashions,

and it is totally free to enter.

What was your first day at work like?

  1. My first day at work was about 15 years ago. 
    /15년 전에 처음 출근/
  2. On that day, the CEO of the company greeted me with a smile,
    /사장이 반겨 줌/
  3. I was assigned my very first major project at our general staff meeting,
    /미팅에서 처음 담당 업무 받음/
  4. and my coworker invited me to go out to dinner with everyone else at a restaurant 
    that was right around the corner from our office.
    /저녁엔 회식/
  5. I was very happy after my first day of work.
    /난 출근 첫날 행복했음/

My first day of work was about 15 years ago.

On that day, the CEO of the company greeted me with a smile.

I was assigned my very first major project at our general staff meeting.

and my coworker invited me to go out to dinner with everyone else at a restaurant

that was right around the corner from our office.

I was very happy after my first day of work.

What do you study?

  1. I am currently studying the Oligonucleotide analysis which is a very promising tech in the RNAi therapeutics.
    /올리고 분석 공부/
  2. Three key details that I must understand about oligonucleotide analysis is that it requires
    an extensive understanding of various spectrometers, genetics, and tech-savvy skills.
    /분석기기, 유전학, 최신기술 능통/
    👩‍💻📡  정원에 전공책이 택배 도착
  3. Our world is becoming more demanding therapeutics based on oligonucleotides. 
    /올리고 치료제 필요/
    🧬💉 현관에 주사기가 놓여있는 이미지
  4. so I think I made a good choice when I choose to study oligonucleotides.
    /좋은 선택/
    👍👍 쌍따봉을 날리는 이미지

I am currently studying the oligonucleotide analysis which is very promising tech in the RANi therapeutics.

Three key details that I must understand about ON analysis is that it requires

an extensive understandng of various spectrometers, genetics, and tech-savvy skills.

Our world is becoming more demanding therapeutics based on oligonucleotides.

So I think I made a good choice when I choose to study oligonucleotides.


> 아래 기억법 응용 동영상을 참고해서 문단 외우기 연습 하려고 함

> 외울 본문은 Tiffani 쌤 IELTS 도서 내용 (아쉽게도 유료 다운로드)

> Tiffani 쌤은 한국에서 공부한 경험 있고, Youtube channel에 유익한 강의 많아서 추천!


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